Restore Our American Republic

Most Important Election of our Lifetime

We must rally together to save our Republic! The United States as we know it is hanging in the balance between the strong country we all love and a weak failing country we are seeing today. With all of the challenges facing our country today, we must do everything possible to change the direction and save our republic, we can’t just stand by and watch this amazing country fail. Click below to contribute to our cause and help save our great republic.

Most Crucial Election in History

Kamala Harris
Donald Trump

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Track Record of the Current Administration

Under the current leadership, the average American citizen is not better off than they were three years ago, the economy is not better than three years ago, foreign affairs are not better than three years ago. We are heading in the wrong direction…FAST

Under the current leadership, the average American citizen is not better off than they were three years ago, the economy is not better than three years ago, foreign affairs are not better than three years ago. We are heading in the wrong direction…FAST

Founding Fathers

We need our leaders to follow the Constitution and protect our Republic as our founding fathers had intended. 

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Our Priorities

Together we the people achieve more than any single
person could ever do alone.

Countdown Clock to the General Election


Border Crisis

In recent years, under the leadership of Kamala Harris as Border Czar, the United States has found itself grappling with a massive influx of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border, posing significant challenges to the nation’s security, economy, and the social fabric of our nation. It is no coincidence that this invasion began almost immediately after Joe Biden was sworn into office. It begs the question, how did all of these immigrants know that not only would they not be turned away or detained, but that they would be met with open arms? It seems as if they were invited and possibly paid to come to the US. And once they got here, they started receiving our tax payer dollars to illegally enter and remain in the United States. They were given phones, shelter, clothing, food, and even monthly stipends. And they just keep coming.

One of the primary consequences of the border crisis is the compromised national security of the United States. The porous borders have allowed for illegal entry, human trafficking, and drug smuggling, posing a direct threat to the safety and well-being of American citizens. The mainstream media refuses to report on the atrocities that we are seeing at the border. This is so much more than just an invasion that affects America, it is a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions. The open border has created the opportunity for some of the most horrific crimes against humanity that we have ever seen in our lifetime. Human trafficking is at an all-time high, with children being one of the most affected populations.
The influx of undocumented immigrants places a significant burden on the American economy, from strained public resources to job market challenges. While most of these illegal immigrants are being supported by the government, eventually they will need to get jobs (one would hope). In an already strained employment market, adding millions of additional potential employees who will likely work for less than legal citizens, further serves to destroy the American dream.
The current border crisis undermines the integrity of U.S. immigration laws and weakens respect for the legal processes in place. It is a deliberate attempt to completely change the fabric of America. What is the motivation for this and why is the Biden administration doing this? More voters? Creating a crisis so they can “fix” it? Weakening America so we become more reliant on the government, and therefore more compliant and easier to control? Whatever the reason, we need to put a stop to this and work hard to correct the damage that has been done to our country.
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