Joe’s got some splainin’ to do

Dallas, TX – This whirlwind 72 hours demonstrates the difficulty Democrats have had coming to terms with their lies – about the President’s health, their record, and their commitment to the American People. Today, ROAR PAC President Raven Harrison announced a new campaign to hold Democrats accountable:

“Joey’s got some splainin’ to do to his supporters who donated to a candidate who they were told was ‘sharp as a tack.’ Only a week after insisting all was fine, Joe’s back in the basement. The American people deserve leadership, and it’s clear that Joe Biden isn’t providing it. However, this palace coup within the Democrat party is evidence of the contempt they hold for their favorite buzz-word “democracy,” their voters, and indeed the American people.

ROAR will demand answers on all of the following questions: where is Joe Biden, what is the true state of his mental and physical wellbeing, who is running the country, are Democrats illegally transferring their campaign donations in violation of FEC rules, and who led/who was involved in the corrupt coverup of Joe Biden’s health and mental acuity. In pursuit of our goal of restoring our American republic, we want to provide the American people with a direct line to the Biden-Harris campaign so they can demand their money back and prevent funds from flowing to the DNC’s hand-picked candidate.”

To contact the campaign for a donation return, please utilize the form below:

Submit a request – ActBlue

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